Health Insurance

The entire discussion of health insurance in the US is going in the wrong direction, and its clear that none of the presidential candidates has the courage to confront corporate America. McCain, of course, like Bush, could not care less who has insurance and who doesn't, as long as the military is fed, oiled, and greased.

But Clinton and Obama.... Tonight Clinton announced that she'd like health care premiums to be no more than 10% of an American's income.... This is a complete give-in to corporate America and it can never lead to affordable and efficient health care. Corporations and insurance companies are always going to want their 20-30%, and they are so greedy that they will take it regardless of the health of Americans -- regardless if they are, literally, dying. The service they provide has been proven time and again to be inferior and useless, compared to single-payer systems.... they must be completely eliminated.

Neither Clinton or Obama has the courage to do this, it is now clear. I wonder how much money each of them is receiving from these corporations? A lot, clearly. Enough to corrupt them, clearly.

I really thing that the US is teetering on the edge of existence, and that if it cannot solve the health care issues of tens of millions of its citizens -- one-sixth of the population, soon to be more as employers -- including yours -- increasingly opt out of the system (and who can blame them when medical inflation is running at 7-12% a year), this country will quickly sink in a very mediocre status. At this point I really see no way out of it.

Route to Success

Life is a living hell which is full of problems. But according to me there is always a way to get out of your problems. There are always more than one wqay to each and every problem that one faces in life. The only thing is that , who chooses the best way leads a good life. I have heard that there are always two ways in your life. One is good and the other one is bad. If anyone chooses the bad road , means that if you choose to go on wrong direction, you will face easy thing at first. Initially you will get success at each and every step. But in the end you will always loose in the battle of life. While if you choose the right way, then it may happen that you may face many problems initially ,but finally you will win the battle in the life. you will be having a great life. So one should always choose the best possible way in order to lead the life in a better way.

Life Insurance

Well it is true that no one can predict future. So anything can happen in the next moment. No one knows what is going to happen in the future for him. So one should plan his future in the best possible way. Since the crime is also increasing in the city, one should be prepared for any mishap in the near future.Crime in the city is at a hike and everyday we see many cases of deaths just because of crime. So it has become important in the life to be insured in life. Life insurance is very important. In my opinion , everyone should have a life insurance done because life cannot be predicted ,so to be on a safer zone , one should have insurance. There are many agencies which are providing many insurance schemes in the market, so one can have many options. But one should choose the best one from the different options.